Danh sách các loại sách tiếng nước ngoài (tiếp)

STTTên sáchTên tác giảNơi xuất bảnNăm, Số trang
16Advance in internal medicineWilliam dock, I. SnapperYear book medical publishers INCVol 12,1964
17Advance in geneticsE.W. CaspariNewYork, londonVol14,1968
18Advance in nuclear physicsMichel Baranger, Erich VogtNewyorkVol 2, 1969 
19Advances in reproductive physiologyMarcus W.H. BishopElek Science LondonVol6, 1973
20Advance in catalisicD.D. LeyAcademic press, NewYork, LondonVol 31,1982
21Annual review of medicineArthur C.De. graffCaliforniaVol 48, 1967
22A laboractory manual of analytical methods of protein chemistryP. alaxander, H.P. LundgrenPergamon press oxford, London1969
23Abelian VarietiesDavid MumfordOxford university press, London1970, 243tr
24Advanced mechanics of fluidsHunter RouseNew York1959
25Amniotic oxtocin and vasopressin in the human and the ratH.P. OosterbaanAmsterdam1985
26Topley and wilson’s principles of bacteriology and immunityG.S. WilsonThe west shanghai books stoneVol 1-1948
27Animau Venimeux et venisMarie phisalixMasson & Cie, editeurs paris1922
28Advance in enzyme regulationGeorge weberPergamon press oxford london, New York1964
29Assessing and improving heaalth care outcomes ( the health accounting appoach to quality assurance)John W. WilliamsonBalling publishing company1978
30Annals of insurance medicine Spring- Verlag Berlin- Heidelberg, New YorkVol 3, 1967
31The authentic childAlan dewitt buttonRandom house, New York 1969
32Albert calmtte savie son oeuvre scientifiqueP. Noel bernard, Leopold NegreMasson et cie, editeurs1939
33Allery and tissue metabolismW.G SmithWilliam Heiemann Medical book limited, London1964
34Assessing health worker’s performance. A manual for training and supervisionF.M Katz, R.snowWord health organization, Geneva1980
35Les antibiotique en alimentation animaleJ.Abraham, O. Chmpigny Vol XII, No5, 1958
36Traite’ complet. D’ analyses chimique. Appliquee’ aux essais industrielsJ.Post, B. NeumannLibrairie Scientifique A. Hermann, Paris1907
37Annalytical intrumentation. Application and design for chemical, biomedical, and eviromental scienceJohn E. Wampler Vol 17, No3, 1988
38Advance in antimicrobial and antineoplastic chemotherapy. Vol I/1,2Miroslav Hejzlav, PragueUniversity park press baltimore, london, Tokyo1972, 676tr
39Antineoplastic chemotherapy and radioprotectives. Vol IIMiroslav Semonsky, PragueUniversity park press baltimore, london, Tokyo1972, 1953tr
40Advance in the biosciences. Vol 31. Recent advances in neuropsycho- phamacologyB. Angrist, G.D. BurrowsPergamon press oxford, Paris1981, 400tr
41Abnormal psychology and modern lifeJames C. ColemanScott, Fresmand and company, Chicago, Atlanta 
42Antibiotics. Vol 3. Mechanism of action of antimicrobial and antitumor agentsJohn. W. Corcoran, Fred E. Hahn,New York1975
43AntibioticaT. Kozzybski, W. KurylowiczVebgustav fiscchr velarg jena, Germany1961, 1105tr
44Le Nerfs en sch’mas. Anatomie et physiopathologieA.Pitres, L. TestutParis1925
43Book in print 1977-1978. Vol 2Authors. K-ZR.R. Bowker company, New York and London 
44An Attas of surgical exposures of the extremitiesSame W. BanksW.B. Saunders company, Philadeiphia, London1953
45Our bodies, ourselves. A book by and for women. The boston women’s health book colectiveSimor and schusterNew York1976
46Advances in international materal and child health. Vol 3D.B. Jelliffe, E.F.P.Jelliffe  
47Apporcaches to teaching primary health careHarry J. Knopke, Nancy L. Diekel MannThe C.V. Mosby company, London1981
4811th congress of the international society of blood transfusion ( Sydney, august 24-29, 1966 ). Part3. problems in blood transfusion. Blood and bone marrow preservationL. Hollander, Basel, switzerlandBasel, skarger,New York1968
4911th congress of the international society of blood transfusion ( Sydney, august 24-29, 1966 ). Part2. Autoimmunity. Immunoglobulins. Celluar immunologyL. Hollander, Basel, switzerlandBasel, skarger,New York1968
50Advanced Pure mathematicsJ.D. HodsonLondon, Macmillan & CoLTD, New York st Martin’s press1961
51Acoustic design and controlMichael rettingerChemical publishing Co, INC, New York1973, 562tr
52Advances in clinical chemistry. Vol 7, 1964Harry sobotka, C.P. StewartAcademic press, NewYork& London1964
53Atlas manuel de la syphilis et des maladies veneriennesFr. Mracek, Emile E’meryJ.B. Bailliere & Fils, Paris1990, 420tr
54Atlas manuel d’histologi et d’anaomie microcopiueJ. Sobotl, Paul mulonJ.B. Bailliere & Fils, Paris1903, 160tr
55Anatomie et physiologi. Animales et vegetalesV.Boulet, A. Obre’Laibrairie Huchette, Paris1932
56Manuel d’analyse des urines et de s’eiology urinaireYvon, Ch.MichelOctare doin, Editeur , Paris1909, 750tr
57Pre’cis de chimie analytique. Tome II   
58Administrative behavior. A study of decision- Making processes in adminitration organizationHerbert A. SimonThe free press, New York1965
59Administrative improvement methodsDnald D. SparksGulf publishing company, Houston, Texas1973, 178tr
60Animals for research. Principles of breeding and managementW.Lane- PetterAcademic press. London, NewYork1963, 513tr
61Activite’s commerciales et dynamisme socio- economique au darfuAldel- Rahman, El- rasheedBrussel1991, 228tr
62Advanced organic chemistryE.Aarl RoyalsPrentice- Hall, INC, New Y ork1954, 948tr
63Out line guide to antimicrobial therapyJohn E. Mc GwanMedical economics book1982
64Advances in physical organic chemistry. Vol 9V.GoldAcademic press, London & New York1971, 299tr
65Applied optics and optical engineering. Vol 2Rudolf KinhslakeAcademic press, New York & London1965, 390tr
66Qualitative analysisV. AlexeyevMir publishers, Moscow1967, 563tr
67The 36k’ da antigen of mycobacterium leprae and serology of leprosyPaul KlatserAmsterdam1992, 131tr
68Annual review of phamacology and toxicology. Vol 21-1981Robert george, Ronald OkunAnnual review INC Palo Atto, california, USA 
69Advancews in atomic and molecular physics. Vol 10David.R. BatesAcademic press, New York1979, 544tr
70Advancews in atomic and molecular physics. Vol 15David.R. BatesAcademic press, New York1980

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